2024 Awards
Angela Russo
Pierina Sannia
2023 Awards
no Signature Award
2022 Awards
Anne Melloy
2021 Awards
Ricky Schembri
Linda Finch
2020 Awards
Nancy Thurlby
Julia Johnstone
Stephen McCall
Jennifer Paull
Helen Miles
Leoni Duff
2019 Awards
Barbara McManus
Heather Peberdy
Lorraine Wigraft
Rodney Edelsten
Grace Paleg
Faye Owen
Regina Hona
Lyn Mellady
Pamela Pretty
Christine Broersen
Caroline Lewallen
Barbara Beasley-Southgate (dec’d)
Signature Award of The Pastel Society of Victoria, Australia
The Pastel Society of Victoria, Australia (PSVA) aims to encourage the consistent development of the artistic capabilities of its members, especially in the art of pastel painting.
In recognising and honouring the excellence attained by any PSVA member whose work has been deemed worthy of a prize by judgement in PSVA Exhibitions and/or other Art Shows, the PSVA has established a Signature Award. Points gained from these prizes are calculated from the criteria established for this Award. Members are invited to make an application to receive the Award when the sum of these points reaches 30 or more.
It will entitle the recipient to add ‘PSVA’ after their name, (where appropriate), indicating their achievement of the Signature Award. They will receive a Certificate.
Barbara Beasley-Southgate was the inaugural recipient of the PSVA Signature Award, which was presented to her on the 13 April 2019 by the then President, Anne Taylor.
Congratulations to our very worthy recipients of the PSVA Signature Awards and your extremely high achievements in the medium of Pastel.
Videos from our Signature Awards presentation night
Nancy Thurlby
Stephen McCall
To apply for the Signature Award
a member must comply with the following :
- the applicant must be a financial member of the PSVA for a least three (3) years
- the applicant must have achieved the required number of points thirty (30) through being awarded prizes at PSVA Exhibitions or significant Art Shows
- having submitted a completed Application Form (see yellow button below), the evidence of those awards must be made available should the PSVA Assessment Committee require it
- the applicant will agree to submit at least five (5) high quality images of their paintings, on a USB stick or a CD, for our records and publication (by the Signature Award Administrator and Committee)
- All prize-winning works considered for points must be at least 80% Pastel
- The applicants will complete with accuracy and honesty their list of prizes and awards to be submitted to the Signature Award Administrator and Committee who will who will confirm the following points to the artist
For a PSVA Exhibition or Art Show :
- 8 points for Best in Show
- 6 points for Runner Up
- 4 points for Category Winners(Portrait, Landscape, Waterscape, etc.)
- 3 points for Runner Up in any category
- 2 points for Highly Commended
- 1 point for Commended
- 4 points for the Ming Mackay Award (People’s Choice Award)
- 2 points for the President’s Award
- 1 point for the Margaret Lourey Award
Winning an award with a pastel painting a a Regional/State/National or International Show or competition would attract the following points :
- 3 points for Best in Show
- 2 points for Best in Category
- 1 point for all other awards : Highly Commended, Commended, People’s Choice, Sponsors’ Awards, President’s Award etc.