Monthly Meetings & Demonstrations

We hold our monthly meetings on the FIRST Monday of the month at 7:30pm from February to December – except November due to it being the Melbourne Cup Weekend

at ‘The Lounge, Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Crescent, Mount Waverley  VIC.

In the months where we have demonstrations advertised, we also hold our meeting online via Zoom. This enables our country & interstate members, as well as those who are unable to attend in person, to join us.

We welcome both members & non-members to our meetings. A small entry fee applies – $5 for Members and $10 for non-members. Zoom meetings are free for Members and $5 for Non-Members.

Program for 2025

Dates of PSVA Meetings2025 EventsMedium - Demonstration and/or workshop or paint-outTickets can be purchased online
February 3Monthly Meeting & Demonstration with Peter SmalesDemo -
VENUE: The Lounge, Mt Waverley Community Centre + Zoom
BUY TICKETS | 3 Feb 2025
February 9Free Pastel Workshops with Regina HonaWorkshop - only for people who are completely new to the medium of Soft Pastel
VENUE: Senior Art Supplies, Malvern
Information & how to register on our Workshops webpage
February 13en Plein Air | PAINT OUT VENUE: Churchill Islandgo to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
February 22Free Pastel Workshop with Regina Hona Workshop - only for people who are completely new to the medium of Soft Pastel
VENUE: Senior Art Supplies, Malvern
Information & how to register on our Workshops webpage
February 28, March 1 & 2PAINT AWAYQueenscliff Retreat
9:30am - 4:00pm each day
Information & how to register on our Workshops webpage
March 3ONLINE ONLY Monthly Meeting & Demonstration with international guest, Tony AlainDemo - in Pastel
For non-Financial members of the PSVA, BUY TICKETS | 3 Mar 2025
March 14en Plein Air | PAINT OUT VENUE: Ricketts Point, Beaumarisgo to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
April 7Monthly Meeting & Demonstration with Maxwell WilksDemo - in Pastel
VENUE: The Lounge, Mt Waverley Community Centre + Zoom
Members will be sent an email with a FREE Registration ink to attend via Zoom.

In-person & Zoom
BUY TICKETS | 7 April 2025
April 24en Plein Air | PAINT OUT VENUE: Yarrawood Winerygo to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
April 27en Plein Air | PAINT OUT VENUE: Gulf StationNational Trust at Gulf Station | en Plein Air event.
Type "en plein air" in the 'Search' field
National Trust website
May 3 & 4WORKSHOP with Maxwell WilksWorkshop - Pastel
VENUE: Ferntree Gully Community Centre, Ferntree Gully VIC 3160
Information & how to register on our Workshops webpage
May 5Monthly Meeting & Demonstration with Caroline LewallenDemo - Pastel
VENUE: The Lounge, Mt Waverley Community Centre + Zoom
Ticket details tba
May 8en Plein Air | PAINT OUT VENUE: Williamstowngo to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
May 31 & June 1WORKSHOP with Stephie ClarkWorkshop - Florals in Pastel
VENUE: Ferntree Gully Community Centre, Ferntree Gully VIC 3160
Ticket details tba
June 2Monthly Meeting & Demonstration with Stephie ClarkDemo - Florals in Pastel
VENUE: The Lounge, Mt Waverley Community Centre + Zoom
Ticket details tba
June | date tbaIndoor Portrait Session in lieu of en Plein Air | PAINT OUTVENUE: tbago to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
July 7
July | date tbaIndoor Portrait Session in lieu of en Plein Air | PAINT OUTVENUE: tbago to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
August 4Monthly Meeting & Demonstration with Demo -
VENUE: Mt Waverley Community Centre + Zoom

August 9Plein Air | PAINT OUTVENUE: Warrandytego to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
September 1Monthly Meeting & Demonstration with Demo -
VENUE: The Lounge, Mt Waverley Community Centre + Zoom
September 7 & 8WORKSHOP for John Withers Scholarship Members & Emerging Artists with Lyn Mellady & Linda FinchWorkshop - Unlocking the Mysteries of Pastel
VENUE: Ferntree Gully Community Centre, Ferntree Gully VIC 3160
REGISTER & BUY TICKETS | Unlocking the Mysteries of Pastel

September 11Plein Air | PAINT OUTVENUE: Alowyn Gardens, Yarra Glengo to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
October 6AGM AGM & Presentation + ZoomThis event is free to attend for members and non-members
October 11Plein Air | PAINT OUTVENUE: Ripponlea, Elternwickgo to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
November 3NO Meeting
Melbourne Cup holiday
November 6Plein Air | PAINT OUTVENUE: Fairfield Boathouse, Fairfieldgo to our Paint Outs webpage for more information
October/November38th Annual Exhibition
Dates tba
VENUE : Sherbrooke Art Gallery, 62 Monbulk Rd, Belgrave VIC 3160All welcome
38th Annual Exhibition OPENING CEREMONY at 2pmVENUE : Sherbrooke Art Gallery, 62 Monbulk Rd, Belgrave VIC 3160All welcome
December 1Christmas Party for MembersLogo | Pastel Society of Victoria, AustraliaLet's get in the spirit of the season
VENUE: The Lounge, Mt Waverley Community Centre
This event is an 'in-person' event (not on Zoom) & free to attend for members


We hold regular monthly en Plein Air painting sessions for members and friends. Go to our Paint-Outs webpage for further information

en Plein Air | Paint Out | Pastel Society of Victoria, Australia


Workshops will be added as the year progresses. Go to our Workshops webpage for further information about each workshop. 

Workshops | Pastel Society of Victoria, Australia

General Enquiries : Roz Long (President)   e

Workshops : Kerrie Carter   e

Paint Outs | en Plein Air :  Pamela Pretty   e