Membership Benefits include
- monthly meetings with guest demonstrations by eminent artists from Australia and overseas
- regular newsletters with events and opportunities for artists
- appraisal nights and support from members who are full-time professional artists
- monthly Members’ Encouragement Awards (MEAs) competition
- keeping up-to-date with our excellent and informative quarterly VicPastel News magazine
- an extensive library of books, magazines, CDs and DVDs
- Workshops with discount to members
- Paint Outs
- entry into the Annual Exhibition (Associate Membership not included)
- belonging to one of the largest Pastel Societies in Australia
- we are a member of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS)
- discounts at a variety of our Sponsors‘ art supply shops
- your own webpage in our Members’ Gallery on our website
- participation & promotion on our Social Media accounts – see the small icons at the bottom any webpage – in the blue right-hand section and click on the icon to be taken to our official Facebook Page, YouTube account, Instagram or Facebook Group
recognition through our Signature Member and Master Pastelist Award programs
- Full/Honorary Life members only can vote at meetings
- Membership Renewals not received by 1 April each year, will be considered non-financial and membership benefits will cease immediately

Max Wilks Rush Hour