Thank you for filling out the Renewing Member Registration Form for the Pastel Society of Victoria, Australia.
You have completed Step 1.
Next, complete Step 2.
Make your payment using our secure online payment portal. Go to our Register & Pay webpage and scroll down towards the bottom 1/3 of the page where you will find the ‘Membership | Renewal‘ payment option.
- Select either the Single, Country/Interstate, Family, Full-time Student or the Associate/International option from the drop-down box.
- Click on the green ‘Add to cart’ button, then proceed to pay by clicking on the Green ‘Checkout’ button. Options for payment are via Credit Card or Direct Deposit. You will receive an Order confirmation via email once completed.
For more information about how to pay, go to our Register & Pay webpage.
Our Society is run for and by our Members and we really appreciate you joining. For all enquiries about Membership, contact our Membership Co-ordinator on email at